A complete demonstrator of a muon-cooled Higgs factory
At 4pm on 14 April in the CERN auditorium, Carlo Rubbia will review the case for a muon-cooled Higgs factory. Watch the webcast
First measurement of ionization potential of lawrencium
A team in Japan has used advanced ISOL techniques to measure the energy needed to remove an electron from lawrencium, which lives for only 27 seconds
Register now for the European School of High-Energy Physics
This year's school will be held in Bulgaria from 2-15 September. Register by 15 May 2015
A successful week for the Future Circular Collider Study
Some 340 people attended the inaugural FCC conference week in Washington DC to discuss the study status and plans for the future
AMS Days at CERN
Featuring some 33 talks about latest results and the future of cosmic-ray physics, CERN’s AMS Days will take place from 15-17 April
CERN and Elsevier announce further Open Access agreement
Articles published by CERN authors in Elsevier Physics journals that are not covered by the SCOAP3 Open Access initiative will now be Open Access
LHC Report: X-rays probe for cause of short circuit
A short circuit in a superconducting dipole magnet is delaying the beam injection in the LHC. Teams are working around the clock to fix the issue
It's Future Circular Collider week in Washington DC
This week delegates at the first Annual Meeting of the FCC study will discuss the status of their project to decide on a baseline for further study
A bright future for HERA physics
A workshop in DESY looked at what the data from HERA can still offer for experiments, now and in the future
LHCb's new analysis confirms old puzzle
LHCb physicists today presented their latest analysis of the rare B → K*μμ decay. The new results show deviations from Standard Model calculations