Croatia becomes an Associate Member of CERN
CERN welcomes the Republic of Croatia as an Associate Member State
Tests start of new technology to detect neutrinos
The second ProtoDUNE detector at CERN saw its first particle tracks in August
CERN congratulates 2019 physics Nobel Prize winners
James Peebles, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz receive the prize for discoveries in cosmology and astronomy
Run top quark run
The CMS collaboration has measured for the first time the variation, or “running”, of the top-quark mass
Briefing book for European Strategy for Particle Physics
The newly published book distils inputs from Europe’s particle physics community
Arts at CERN announces two open calls and the arrival of residency winners
Arts at CERN announces two open calls for art residencies – Collide Geneva/Dance and Accelerate Finland – and the arrival of the winners of Collide International, Rosa Menkman, and Collide Pro Helvetia, Christina Hemauer and Roman Keller.
Enabling hadron therapy in south-east Europe
A new facility following the founding principles of CERN begins its design phase
NA62 spots two potential instances of rare particle decay
The NA62 experiment has detected two candidate events for the decay of a positively charged kaon into a pion and a neutrino–antineutrino pair
A different sound in the LHC tunnel
World-famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma performs 100 metres underground at the Large Hadron Collider
LS2 Report: CMS set to glitter with installation of new GEMs
The CMS muon system is being upgraded to help track muons with ever-higher precision