A new type of coating to chase the clouds away
In this week's Bulletin find out how the amorphous carbon coating can be a solution to address the electron cloud issue in view of the HL-LHC upgrade
The discovery uncovered
In this week's Bulletin find out how the LIGO and Virgo collaborations announce the direct detection of gravitational waves
Congratulations on the direct detection of gravitational waves
This week saw the announcement of an extraordinary physics result: the first direct detection of gravitational waves.
Detection of Gravitational Waves
The announcement by LIGO and VIRGO collaborations of direct detection of gravitational waves confirms one of Einstein's major predictions
First year of data taking at high energy for MoEDAL
In this week's Bulletin find out the MoEDAL’s physics programme
The Chamonix workshop: a key point in the CERN calendar
Last week I attended the annual LHC performance workshop in Chamonix. This meeting is an essential part of the CERN calendar.
Director General attends WEF annual meeting in Davos
CERN’s Director General contributes to debate on open science at annual gathering of political and business leaders
Sustainable development
In this week's Bulletin find out about the important changes for CERN personnel following the five-year review of employment conditions
Looking forward to a great year ahead
The year 2016 will be very challenging but also very exciting for all of us at CERN.
CERN DG meets locals and internationals in New Year ceremony
Representatives of CERN’s local communities and international Geneva came together in Microcosm on Thursday evening for a traditional annual event