Recent results on Higgs studies at ATLAS and CMS
The experiments release combined spin measurements for the Higgs boson for the first time
Safety alert: Newton harnesses need inspection of stitching
A defect has been detected on NEWTON harnesses produced by PETZL, so the HSE requires that all of these items be properly inspected
In pictures: Opening the LHC
This week, technicians opened up the first interconnections between LHC magnets to work on accelerator components inside
LIU 2013: Injector teams present status
Today at CERN, physicists and engineers from the LHC-injector accelerators presented their plans for upgrades during long shutdown
LIU 2013: Injector teams present status
Today at CERN, physicists and engineers from the LHC-injector accelerators presented their plans for upgrades during long shutdown
Oracle support provides a range of new tutorials
The IT DB is pleased to announce a new series of Oracle tutorials
Find a Higgs boson in LHC public data
LHC experiments release a scattering of Higgs-candidate data to the public
MapCERN now available for iPad
The MapCERN application is now available for download on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
Accelerators for medicine
CERN signs a new collaboration agreement with industry to transfer accelerator technology to the medical field
Just 20 days to go – apply now for the Google Science Fair
The Google Science Fair competition deadline closes on 30 April at midnight PDT. If you are aged 13-18, it may be your turn to change the world