A flexible cryostat and the first series of high-temperature superconducting magnesium diboride cables will form an innovative electrical transfer line to power the HL-LHC inner triplet magnets
The first “MKI-Cool” was installed in early January – water-cooled ferrite cylinders will protect the LHC’s kicker magnets from increased heat load in the high-luminosity era
The 7.2-metre-long version of this vital HL-LHC component reached nominal current plus an operational margin corresponding to a coil peak field of 11.5 T at 1.9 K during a test in SM18
SM18 is one of the largest magnet test facilities in the world. Dedicated to testing superconducting magnets and radiofrequency cavities, it is now waiting for the first HL-LHC components
An LHC quadrupole whose beam screen had been coated with a fine layer of carbon displayed minimal heat load in comparison to other magnets, constituting a promising step in eliminating electron clouds in future particle accelerators
A full-size, US-produced HL-LHC quadrupole magnet based on niobium–tin technology has passed a critical endurance test, another step towards confirming the technology’s viability inside accelerators
A full-size, US-produced HL-LHC quadrupole magnet based on niobium–tin technology has passed a critical endurance test, another step towards confirming the technology’s viability inside accelerators
CERN has strong partnerships and collaborations with laboratories and research infrastructures in the Member States. One recent example saw superconducting magnets for the future FAIR facility at Germany’s GSI laboratory being tested at CERN
Uppsala University is upgrading its FREIA Laboratory, initially constructed for the ESS project, to test superconducting magnets and crab cavities for the HL-LHC