Why the LHC magnets are blue – and other colourful accelerator questions answered
Are all LHC magnets blue? Who decides the colour of a magnet and on what basis? What does the small purple one do? See our answers below
AMS, a decade of cosmic discoveries
19 May 2021 marks 10 years since the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer was installed on the International Space Station and started sending data back to Earth
The tenth edition of “Be a scientist” is over
780 budding scientists from schools in the local French and Geneva area set out to identify the content of mysterious boxes
Le Jardin des Particules: Registration open for July 2021 summer camp and crèche
Recognise the signs of a mental health problem
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental disorders affect one in four people in the world
Computer Security: What do accelerators and pipelines have in common?
Ransomware attacks against enterprises and academia are not a new phenomenon...
Why precision luminosity measurements matter
Both the CMS and ATLAS experiments have performed luminosity measurements with spectacular precision
LS2 Report: Installation of the CMS beam pipe
The CMS collaboration just reached another LS2 milestone: the biggest upgrade of the experimental beam vacuum system since the first operation of CMS in 2008