On Tuesday, 17 September, we will enjoy music, food, birthday cake and more to celebrate and thank our unique CERN community and our families.
To prepare for the CERN70 Community Event, we answer some key questions:
1) REGISTRATION: Can I still register to attend?
Yes, by popular demand the registration deadline has been extended to Monday, 9 September at 11.59 p.m. CEST. Click here to register.
2) FOOD VOUCHERS AND ACCESS CARDS: How do I get my food vouchers and CERN70 Guest access cards in advance?
Bracelets with food and drink vouchers and CERN70 Guest access cards will be distributed to registered persons at the CERN Community Support Centre (Building 33) from 9 to 17 September, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 5 p.m.
You only need a CERN70 Guest access card if you are bringing a guest who does not have a CERN access card. Visitor passes will not be allowed.
If you and your guests all have CERN access cards, you can collect bracelets with food and drinks vouchers either at Building 33 from 9 September or at additional locations from 2 September. Click here for full details.
3) SITE INFORMATION: Which roads and car parks are closed when?

The image above shows, in yellow, the area that is impacted by the CERN70 Community Event in the days before and after the event.
Friday, 6 September
- Route Bohr closed for the day
From Tuesday, 10 to Saturday, 21 September
- Route Bohr closed
- Car parks Les Cèdres (next to the Staff Association) and Greinacher (under the power lines) closed
- Car park Les Cerisiers (next to Buildings 4 and 5) open but only accessible from Entrance A
- Curie-Bohr roundabout partially blocked, with traffic lights to access the car park of Building 40
- Alternative car parks close to shuttle stops are visible on this interactive map
Monday, 16 September
- Car park Building 40 closed from 7 p.m.
Tuesday,17 September
- Car park Building 40 closed all day
- Car park Les Cerisiers: Vehicles cannot exit this car park between 5 and 11 p.m. Entrance A will reopen at 11 p.m. for vehicles that need to exit
- Alternative car parks close to shuttle stops are visible on this interactive map
4) ACCESS AND MOBILITY: How can I get to the event?
Pedestrians can enter the Meyrin site through all CERN entrances with their CERN access card or a CERN70 Guest access card. Note that visitor passes will not be allowed.
Cyclists can enter the Meyrin site via Entrances B, C and E. There will be extra bicycle parking available at the Mobility centre outside Entrance A.
Shuttle buses will operate from across the Meyrin site and from the Prévessin site. This interactive map shows car parks located close to shuttle stops.
Vehicles cannot enter or exit Entrance A from 5 to 11 p.m. Entrances B and C will be open for vehicles in both directions throughout the event. Entrance E will be open for vehicles in both directions from 5 to 11 p.m.
More details on the CERN Community Event website.
5) ACCESSIBILITY: What accessibility options are available?
There will be a platform for wheelchair users to be able to see the stage, dedicated parking, shuttles and seating available. If you have accessibility issues that were not noted when you registered, please contact cern.70@cern.ch.
6) ENTERTAINMENT: What activities can I expect?
Visit the CERN Community Event website for full details of stage performances, activities for children and more.
7) DURING THE EVENT: What if I have a question or problem during the event?
You can visit an information point at the event or check the information banners on the CERN Campus App.
In addition, the CERN Service Portal will be open for queries via 00 41 22 76 77777.
For emergencies, contact 00 41 22 76 74444.
We look forward to coming together to celebrate CERN’s unique community, rich history and bright future on 17 September.