David Barney, Christophe Delamare and Christoph Rembser have been elected to the Senior Staff Advisory Board (“the Nine”)
Two CERN scientists give the primary schools’ challenge a go
Used to making precise measurements, will Pippa Wells and Sabrina Schadegg be able to figure out what’s inside the mysterious boxes?
10th edition of CineGlobe continues online
From 25 to 29 August 2021, CERN hosted the 10th edition of the CineGlobe International Film Festival Inspired by Science, on the theme (Dis)Orders of Magnitude… But it’s not over just yet
“Lightning talks” bring CERN openlab’s first-ever full online summer-student programme to a close
Participants of the 2021 CERN openlab summer-student programme presented their fascinating work in a series of five-minute talks
Seeing Sparks!: CERN’s first serendipity forum on future intelligence
The upcoming first edition of Sparks!, which will be held 17-18 September, adopts the theme of future intelligence
Alumni event on 16 September – "News from the lab: the ALPHA experiment"
Take part in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region’s 11th Mobility Challenge
On Tuesday, 21 September, go green for your commute to work
CERN participates in the exhibition “From Geneva to the World”
The exhibition, organised by the Permanent Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations Office, pays tribute to the work of Geneva-based multilateral institutions and the benefit they bring to people across the world