ATLAS releases 13-TeV open data for science education
The collaboration has made public the data of 1 quadrillion proton-proton collisions from the LHC’s last run
Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit)
Computer Security: Malicious Robots
“Stop – Think – Don’t Click” is one of the standard pieces of advice when you are asked to click on links to unsolicited, unknown or dubious webpages
LS2 Report: PS prepared for higher injection energies
CERN’s oldest working accelerator has a new injection kicker magnet and will soon receive a new septum as well
The CERN community can access e-books, videos and audiobooks on the O’Reilly Online Learning Platform
ISOLDE spots another pear-shaped nucleus
An experiment performed at CERN’s ISOLDE facility shows that the nucleus of the isotope radium-222 is pear-shaped
CERN openlab hosts 2020 technical workshop
The annual workshop brought together leading ICT companies and research institutions
Female ambassadors for science visit local schools
Female researchers and engineers have presented their careers and jobs to 132 classes in Geneva and neighbouring France