Accelerator Report: The accelerator complex gears up for action after the yearly winter maintenance break
The first beams are already circulating in the Linac4 and PS Booster and should reach the LHC on 11 March. A new physics run is about to begin!
Happy hundredth Herwig!
Find out how CERN is celebrating the 100th birthday of former Director-General Herwig Schopper, and how you can be involved
Quadrupoles are red, dipoles are blue…
Attracted to magnets, fond of fermions? CERN community, now’s your chance to write an ode to technology with a CERN Valentine’s poem. Our favourite entry will win a prize
CERN70: A first discovery
Giuseppe Fidecaro was among the small group of physicists who performed the first experiment at CERN to provide results in 1958 that would spread the Laboratory’s name around the world
Science Gateway welcomes its 100 000th visitor
Since opening in October, the centre has welcomed an average of 1000 visitors per day
CERN Council reviews progress of feasibility study for a next-generation collider
At its half-way mark, a study investigating the feasibility of a 91-kilometre Future Circular Collider to potentially follow the Large Hadron Collider at CERN shows significant progress