OPERA detects its fifth tau neutrino
Researchers in Gran Sasso, Italy, have detected a tau neutrino in the muon-neutrino beam from CERN
CERN announces winners of 2015 Beamline for Schools contest
Two teams of high-school students have been selected to travel to the laboratory in September
CERN announces winners of its 2015 beamline for schools competition
The Mu2e experiment: a rare opportunity
A new experiment at Fermilab will look for the neutrinoless transformation of a muon into an electron
LHC physicists preserve Native American voices
Physicists are using LHC detector technology to retrieve Native American music from old recordings
First technical stop for the LHC
The first planned technical stop of the LHC starts on Monday, with five days of maintenance work scheduled for the accelerator and its experiments
S'Cool LAB: Applications now open
Apply now to try hands-on experiments in particle physics at CERN. Deadline: 21 June
One hundred school kids investigate mystery boxes at CERN
Primary-school children from the “Be a scientist” project came to CERN to present their findings
Rolf Heuer to become President of SESAME
The Director-General will begin his mandate after the formal opening of SESAME in late 2016 or the first half of 2017