CHIS – letter from french health insurance authorities
Certain members of the personnel residing in France have received a letter concerning changes in the health insurance coverage of “frontalier" workers
Collider exhibition embarks on an international tour
The Collider exhibition is about to start a three-year long international tour, starting in Paris at the Palais de la Découverte
Power Outage - 16 October
At 19:03 last night, a fire in an 18kV circuit breaker in building 212 led to a blackout on the Meyrin site
MEDIA ADVISORY: UN and CERN to celebrate science for peace and development
Subsidised energy prices in France: TPN and TSS
Some members of the CERN personnel residing in France have been informed by letter that they are eligible for subsidised energy prices
ATLAS observes and measures H→WW
With new precision measurements of the Higgs boson, ATLAS has observed its decay to two W bosons.
A cross-border colloquium for budding scientists
Some 175 pupils from the Pays de Gex and the Canton of Geneva took part in a colloquium entitled "La science en partage” (‘shared science’)
Business Incubation Centre of CERN tech opens in Norway
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim is hosting CERN's third centre for technology-transfer opportunities
CERN scientists take to the streets for PopScience
To celebrate European Researchers Night 2014, CERN researchers took their science to downtown Geneva and neighbouring France with “PopScience”
TEDed animation asks if antimatter falls up
TEDed and CERN physicist Chloé Malbrunot team up to test the principle of universality of free fall for antimatter