Test magnet reaches 13.5 tesla – a new CERN record
The Short Model Coil working group recently built a niobium-tin magnet with a peak magnetic field of 13.5 tesla—a record for CERN
Test magnet reaches 13.5 tesla – a new CERN record
The Short Model Coil working group recently built a niobium-tin magnet with a peak magnetic field of 13.5 tesla – a record for CERN
Astronomer Jocelyn Bell Burnell talks 'Women in science'
Watch astronomer Jocelyn Bell Burnell speak about women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) as part of the CERN diversity programme
LHC data to be made public via open access initiative
CMS is taking its first steps in making up to half of its data accessible to the public
Fifty years of high-energy physics in Protvino
Today, the Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Protvino, Russia, celebrates its golden jubilee
Can fibre be the future of high-energy physics?
A new laser architecture based on fibres could open the door to applications beyond particle physics
CERN theorist Slava Rychkov wins $100,000 New Horizons prize
The Fundamental Physics Foundation recognized Russian theorist Slava Rychkov for breathing new life into conformal field theory
CERN theorist wins $100,000 New Horizons prize
The Fundamental Physics Foundation recognized Russian theorist Slava Rychkov for breathing new life into conformal field theory
Hans Blix on thorium energy and nuclear non-proliferation
As part of a recent conference at CERN on thorium energy, Hans Blix spoke of the element's possibilities as a safer source of nuclear energy
The Large Hadron Collider on tour
Collider, a new exhibition about the LHC, opens in London this week. It will stay for 6 months before a planned international tour