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Two Annexes to Operational Circular No. 11 – The Processing of Personal Data at CERN


Two Annexes to Operational Circular No. 11 on “the Processing of Personal Data at CERN”, approved by the Director-General, following examination and recommendation by the Standing Concertation Committee at its meetings of 11 March and 21 April 2021 and finalised by written procedure on 21 May 2021, are now available via the following link: https://cds.cern.ch/record/2651311.

This Circular has been revised to add two Annexes introducing an independent supervisory authority, the Data Protection Commission (DPC), entrusted with the supervision of any processing of personal data within the framework of the Circular. The mandate of the DPC features a supervision and a complaint function accessible to all data subjects.

These Annexes will enter into force on 1 July 2021.