Power cuts to be expected on Prévessin site on Saturday 23 January
The EN-EL group recommends that you turn off all your critical equipment and computer equipment
Zoom becomes the official video conference system at CERN
As of 1st February 2021, Vidyo, the former video conference service will be deprecated
Registration is open for Beamline for Schools 2021
In this unique competition, high-school students anywhere in the world team up to create and perform their scientific experiment at a leading particle physics laboratory
LS2 Report: Beams circulate in the PS Booster
The PS Booster successfully received its first beams from Linac4 in December. The PSB team is now preparing the machine for acceleration
ALICE takes leap forward with major new installation
The upgraded Muon Forward Tracker, one of ALICE’s main subdetectors, was installed in the cavern in December
IEEE and CERN sign a Read and Publish agreement for 2021-2023
This is the first partnership of its kind between CERN and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
CERN and Elsevier conclude a Read and Publish agreement to start in 2021
It is now easier for CERN authors to publish open access in Elsevier journals
Materials that matter
We meet Jorge Guardia-Valenzuela, Project Associate in the Mechanical and Materials Engineering group, in this issue of our Knowledge Transfer spotlight series