Bike2Work 2017: CERN smashes its previous records
This year, the 214 CERN teams participating in Bike2Work cycled a total of 140 395 km!
Counting sheep!
After munching their way around the Globe, the CERN sheep are now dining out next to the ATLAS experiment
Eagle eye view of CERN
Follow a drone’s journey as it flies through and over some of CERN’s most interesting sites
Accelerating News issue 21 published
Issue 21 of Accelerating News is now available
Web of Science & Journal Citation Report no longer available
Since beginning of July 2017, Web of Science and Journal of Citation Report are no longer available via the CERN Scientific Information Service
CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS): New Rules as of 1 September 2017
The new Rules of the CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) will come into effect on 1 September 2017
LHC experiments delve deeper into precision
The world’s particle physics community is meeting this week in Venice (Italy) for the EPS International Conference on High Energy Physics
CERN welcomes EUCYS 2016 prize-winner
As part of the 2016 European Union Contest for Young Scientists, Vladislav Gadalov was awarded a visit to CERN for his work in the field of computing
An artist peeks behind CERN’s facade
Laura Couto Rosado, winner of the "Collide Pro Helvetia" prize, looks forward to continuing her three-month residency at CERN
Accelerating particles - but not just for the LHC
The chain of accelerators that prepare beams for the LHC also supplies myriad experiments