Flashes of electrons against cancer
Meet Steinar Stapnes, Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) project leader, in the first of our Knowledge Transfer spotlight series
News from the September 2020 CERN Council
We would like to share with you some of the highlights of the September meetings of the Council and its committees
ID lanyard celebrates diversity and inclusion @CERN
A new official CERN lanyard and card reel are ready to welcome you back on site!
CERN data storage gets ready for Run 3
Extensive consolidation of the data storage infrastructure culminated in 2020 when the new CERN Tape Archive software (CTA) entered production
25 years ago: the strategic move to PCs in high-energy physics
In September 1995, a paper entitled “The PC as Physics Computer for LHC?” paved the way to a new era in high-energy physics computing
NA63 makes crystal-clear study of radiation reaction
The NA63 collaboration has made a high-precision study of the phenomenon of radiation reaction, using particle beams and crystals
Works around Restaurant 2: Weisskopf and Bloch roads closed for five weeks
CERN technology helps rediscover lost painting by Raphael
CERN’s Timepix particle detectors, developed by the Medipix2 Collaboration, help unravel the secret of a long-lost painting by the great Renaissance master, Raphael