Several months have passed since our last report on the five-yearly review (5YR), in June 2020, and these have been busy times. The 5YR’s objective is to ensure “that the financial and social conditions offered by the Organization allow CERN to recruit and retain the staff members required for the execution of its mission from all its Member States” (cf. Annex A 1 of the Staff Rules and Regulations). Detailed reports on recruitment and retention data were shared and discussed with our Member States in 2020, and while salaries are not the only component of successful recruitment and retention, their review forms an essential and obligatory aspect of the 5YR process. To this end, the benchmarking of CERN staff’s salaries against local markets and international markets (with Germany and Switzerland identified as the main international markets by the International Service for Remunerations and Pensions (ISRP)) is now complete. So too is the comparison with ESA, ESO, EMBL, DESY and the EC concerning fellows’ stipends.
In addition, to ensure CERN remains competitive in terms of employment conditions, the ISRP has conducted a diversity and inclusion benchmarking survey of CERN and eight other organisations*. The resulting conclusions and recommendations are now under review and consideration, and we will share the findings in due course.
We are now entering the final stages of the 5YR process, with a few months to go to the target completion deadline of December 2021. The salary and stipend studies, as well as the diversity and inclusion benchmarking results, will be formally presented to the Tripartite Employment Conditions Forum (TREF) in March and May 2021, before onward submission to the Council. Detailed concertation through the Standing Concertation Committee will aim to build concrete proposals based on the conclusions, ready for implementation in 2022.
We will keep you updated throughout the process. In the meantime, you will find full details of the 2021 5YR, its scope, timescales and milestones here: