CERN and the LHC experiments’ computing resources in the global research effort against COVID-19
As time moves on and the community gets organised, new computing-related solutions and collaborations unfold to help tackle the COVID-19 pandemic
The ALICE TPC is upgraded
The refurbished detector was lowered into the ALICE cavern and installed in the experiment in August
Register now for the ATTRACT 2020 online conference
The ATTRACT – Igniting the Deep Tech Revolution conference will take place online on 22-23 September 2020
CMS experiment at CERN releases fifth batch of open data
All research-quality data from proton–proton collisions recorded by CMS during the first two years of LHC operation are now publicly available
LHCb discovers first “open-charm” tetraquark
The particle, which has been called X(2900), was detected by analysing all the data LHCb has recorded so far from collisions at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider
LS2 Report: CERN’s newest accelerator awakens
Linac 4 has taken over from the retired Linac 2 as the first accelerator in the LHC injection chain
Computer Security: Password revolutions
With the new authentication system, we will relieve you of the burden of inventing a new password every 12 months
NA62 sees first significant evidence of rare process
The result paves the way for searching for signs of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics