Particle physicists update strategy for the future of the field in Europe
The CERN Council announced that it had unanimously updated the strategy intended to guide the future of particle physics in Europe within the global landscape
Particle physicists update strategy for the future of the field in Europe
The CERN Council today announced that it has updated the strategy that will guide the future of particle physics in Europe
Estonia to become Associate Member in the Pre-Stage to Membership of CERN
Today, the representatives of CERN and of the Government of Estonia signed an Agreement admitting Estonia as an Associate Member in the Pre-Stage to Membership of CERN.
Michel Spiro and Fido Dittus take the leadership of the CERN & Society Foundation
CERN staff and fellows donate annual leave days in support of CERN against COVID-19
Donation of CERN computing equipment to Egypt
Donation of servers to Fayoum University in Egypt marks the sixteenth donation of CERN computing equipment
High-school teams from Switzerland and Germany win CERN Beamline for Schools competition
Two teams of high-school students from Switzerland and Germany, have won the 2020 Beamline for Schools competition
Update: Further easing of the entry restrictions into Switzerland and France as of 15 June 2020
Search for new physics through multiboson production
At the LHCP conference this year, the ATLAS and CMS experiments presented new results relating to a physics process called vector boson scattering
Computer Security: Videoconferencing pitfalls
After two months of teleworking, videoconferencing has become the ultimate tool for staying in touch with colleagues, friends and family: There is a plethora of potential tools and a plethora of pitfalls to catch us out