New LHCb analysis still sees previous intriguing results
The new analysis continues to find tension with the Standard Model, but more data are needed to identify its cause
CERN School of Computing 2020: Apply now!
Applications are now open for the 43rd CERN School of Computing. The CSC 2020 will take place from 23 August to 5 September 2020 in the beautiful city of Krakow, Poland
At CMS, artificial neural networks search for exotic particles
Machine-learning technology is being used by the CMS collaboration to track odd events among LHC data
Tatiana Fabergé (1930–2020)
A pillar of theoretical physics at CERN for decades
Registration is open for the Women in Technology mentoring programme
An information session about the programme will take place on 6 March
Ten artworks exploring CERN science travel around the world
A travelling art exhibition entitled ‘Quantum/Broken Symmetries’* will bring the fruit of CERN’s art and science residencies to four new museums worldwide in 2020.
Creation of cycle lanes on the Meyrin and Prévessin sites
Work will start on Monday 2 March on a network of new cycle lanes at CERN