Stick’AIR sticker for motorised vehicles in Geneva - Additional information
Administrative Circular No. 14 (Rev. 4) - Protection of members of the personnel against the financial consequences of illness, accident and incapacity for work
A breakthrough for high luminosity
The underground structures of the High-Luminosity LHC have been connected to the LHC tunnel
A new schedule for the LHC and its successor
The LHC will restart in May 2021 and Run 3 will be extended by one year
Children of members of the personnel who are not nationals of a European economic area country or of Switzerland
Work experience during professional training and certificate of surrender of the special residence permit
Computer Security: The New Single Sign-On
New Year 2020 brings a new look (and functionality) to the Single Sign-On page
A new target to explore the unknown
The BDF facility is being designed for dark matter and hidden sector experiments
An energy-sustainable future for research infrastructures
The latest ESSRI workshop brought together experts from national and international organisations to discuss energy management at scientific institutes
Addressing energy challenges together
The Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures workshops have led to the adoption of environmentally friendly solutions for energy management