Computer Security: Don’t print naked
Too many people are still printing confidential documents without caring that they might be read by third parties hanging around
Probing dark matter using antimatter
The BASE collaboration reports the first laboratory search for an interaction between antimatter and a candidate particle for dark matter
LS2 Report: LHCb looks to the future with SciFi detector
A new tracker made of scintillating fibres will be installed in the LHCb experiment during the ongoing shutdown of the Large Hadron Collider
Around the LHC in 252 days
All of the interconnections between the LHC superconducting magnets have been opened: an important step for the diode consolidation project
Spacewalk for AMS: watch the live webcast
Two astronauts will exit the International Space Station on 15 November for the first of several spacewalks for the AMS experiment
Aligning the HL-LHC magnets with interferometry
CERN surveyors have developed a procedure based on interferometry to determine the position of cold masses inside the cryostats of the future HL-LHC
Celebrating a 60-year legacy of forefront accelerators
The PS and LEP accelerators, which entered service 60 and 30 years ago, have left a lasting imprint on the field of particle physics
LHCf gears up to probe birth of cosmic-ray showers
The smallest LHC experiment is set to probe the first interaction that triggers a cosmic-ray shower in the atmosphere
ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Career Networking Event 2019
You are invited to register for this year's networking event, which will take place on Tuesday, 19 November 2019 from 5 p.m., in CERN’s Main Auditorium
Rescue exercise around the Globe
On 12 November, a major rescue exercise will be carried out in the area around the Globe of Science and Innovation