Computer Security: A new twist for those who rely on external software
If you take advantage of the plethora of software snippets, code excerpts, libraries and the like circulating on the Internet, don’t forget that there’s a risk: is the code safe? Bug-free? Maintained? And free of any malicious components?
LS2 Report: renovation of the electrical infrastructure
Major renovation work is under way across the entirety of CERN’s electrical network to modernise certain key facilities
Reminder concerning the road traffic rules applicable on the CERN site
Moving out of Academia to Entrepreneurship
Six CERN alumni who started their own companies share experience and information on how to move to entrepreneurship
Thirty years of LEP’s Z0 line shape
Thirty years ago this week, the four experiments at CERN’s LEP collider published the first of their famous results: the Z0 line shape, which told us that there are three, and only three, families of fundamental particles in nature
Subscription changes for CERN mobile phones on 28 November 2019
Celebrating LEP’s physics legacy
Thirty years ago, after just three weeks of operation, the experiments of the Large Electron-Positron collider announced their first spectacular result
From cosmic rays to clouds
A new run of the CLOUD experiment examines the direct effect of cosmic rays on clouds