Route Arago is once more open to traffic
Civil-engineering work for the MEQ59 platform is now complete and Route Arago is once more open to traffic
The flu: protect yourself and others
The flu vaccine has proved its worth by halving the number of flu-related hospitalisations, and it lessens the severity of the symptoms
CERN, guest of honour at Ferney-Voltaire Fête de la Science
On 13 October 2018, CERN was guest of honour of the City of Ferney-Voltaire for the Fête de la Science, organised by the association Pangloss
One enlarged Foundation to broaden CERN’s impact on society
On 6 June 2018, the CERN & Society Foundation and the Foundation for the Globe of Science and Innovation joined forces to become a single entity
A new management for CMS in 2018
On 1 September 2018, a new spokesperson and two deputies took over at the helm of the CMS experiment
Evolving how we welcome newcomers to CERN
In 2018, the HR Learning and Development and Talent Acquisition teams initiated a complete review of how we welcome newcomers
Apply now for the 2019 JUAS school
Registration for the 2019 session of the Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) is now open
Apply now for the 2019 ESIPAP school
Registration for the 2019 session of the European School of Instrumentation in Particle and Astroparticle Physics (ESIPAP) is now open
CERN collaborates with Japan’s NII on digital libraries
How we produce, share and preserve knowledge has transformed with advancements in technology and changes in publishing methods, especially in research
Computer Security: Linux: Windows revisited
Linux and MacOS folks: do as the Windows people do. Be diligent when receiving unsolicited e-mails with weird attachments