Happy Dark Matter Day
The 31 October is not just Halloween, it is also Dark Matter Day. Find out how to join the celebrations at research institutes around the world
LHC Report: Protons: mission accomplished
On 24 October, the LHC Operations team flipped the switch in the LHC island of the CCC to dump the last proton production fill of Run 2
TEDxCERN returns with ‘The Elephant in the Room'
The event aims at bringing to the forefront challenges in the realms of science and society that go unnoticed
More powerful protectors for higher luminosity
An important protection component for the High-Luminosity LHC has been successfully tested at the HiRadMat facility
High-Luminosity LHC: we’re halfway there
The HL-LHC is shaping up to be a worthy successor to the LHC, which is having another spectacular year
ATLAS celebrates dedicated & creative collaboration members
On 11 October 2018, ATLAS celebrated the outstanding achievements of its collaboration members with the Outstanding Achievement Awards
See horse-logging in action at CERN
CERN and the Office National des Forêts invite you to visit a forest worksite and discover the technique of horse logging
A reverse hackathon with CERN
What if we selected a few CERN technologies and put them in the hands of professionals who help create highly successful start-ups?
Computer Security: The rancid USB box of chocolate
How convenient were USB sticks in the past? And how convenient they still are today despite the existence of CERN’s free and versatile CERNBox...