The LHC prepares for the future
Studies on beam adjustment and new components are being conducted in preparation for future LHC runs
CBI is getting cloned in Finland
CERN’s challenge based innovation (CBI) course is now being adopted by the University of Tampere in Finland
The incredible lightness of the Higgs
ATLAS searches for vector-like top quarks that could explain the Higgs boson’s small mass
Computer Security: The easy way to lose passwords
Following up on some questions we received concerning our last Bulletin article, let us expand on the easiest way to lose your CERN password…
Success for AWAKE
The experiment successfully accelerated electrons with plasma wakefields generated by protons, a world first
LHC Report: 48 fb-1 and counting
Since the recovery from the recent machine development period, the LHC has been in luminosity production mode, crawling its way up towards 60 fb-1
Now going live – the Learning Hub at CERN
Learning is good for you, and it’s good for CERN. And it just got easier! So dive into the Learning Hub and sample CERN's rich world of learning
The Large Hadron Collider: 10 years and counting
Ten years ago, protons circulated CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for the first time, marking the end of years of design and construction
ATTRACT initiative to fund detection and imaging innovation
CERN and other European organisations join forces to help fund 170 breakthrough detection and imaging ideas with market potential
Hunting for dark quarks
A search for dark quarks conducted by the CMS collaboration inches closer to the parent particles from which they may originate