AWAKE achieves first ever acceleration of electrons in a proton-driven plasma wave
In a paper published today in the journal Nature, the AWAKE collaboration at CERN reports the first ever successful acceleration of electrons using a wave generated by protons zipping through a plasma.
AWAKE successfully accelerates electrons
Proton beams from the SPS at CERN were used to generate plasma waves upon which the electrons “surfed”
Long-sought decay of Higgs boson observed
Six years after its discovery, the Higgs boson has at last been observed decaying to fundamental particles known as bottom quarks.
Become a volunteer for Researchers’ Night at CERN!
On Friday, 28 September 2018 CERN organises Researchers’ Night for the 9th consecutive year!
Launch of the new CERN Learning Hub
Learning is good for you, and it’s good for CERN. And it just got easier! So dive into the Learning Hub and sample the rich world of learning
Photowalk 2018: CERN winners join global competition
The three winning photographs from CERN’s Photowalk now join the Global Physics Photowalk. Vote for your favourite
Taking the temperature of protoDUNE
Giant thermometer can measure the temperatures of liquid argon inside massive neutrino-detector prototype at 48 different depths
ALPHA experiment takes antimatter to a new level
The ALPHA collaboration has observed a new electronic transition in the antihydrogen atom
Computer Security: An old scam in a new disguise
Money has always been a catalyst for greed and malice. Blackmail is one way to extort money from the innocent and has existed since ancient times
Human Resources Department: 2017 annual report on the settlement of disputes and discipline
The 2017 Annual Report from the HR Department concerning the settlement of disputes and discipline under Chapter VI of the Staff Rules and Regulations