Webcast: How does collaboration shape innovation?
Live from IdeaSquare, CERN's innovation centre, from 13:00 on October 25 2017
Tackling occupational stress
Occupational stress is on the rise. A new CERN project team has been tasked with addressing the causes and finding solutions
LHC report: xenon in action
The LHC had the unique opportunity of colliding xenon nuclei over several hours
Celebrate Marie Skłodowska Curie’s 150th birthday
On 7 November 2017, CERN, the University of Liverpool and LMU Munich will be hosting an event on the life and research of Marie Skłodowska-Curie
9 November: SHiP Open Colloquium
On Thursday 9 November afternoon, SHiP is organising an Open Colloquium on the Physics Landscape in 10 years
Facing up to the exabyte era
CERN openlab works with industry to tackle the ICT challenges of the high-luminosity LHC
ISOLDE: 50 years of cutting-edge science benefitting society
50 years ago, the first radioactive beam at ISOLDE was produced
Tackling humanitarian challenges at CERN
The fourth edition of THE Port Humanitarian Hackathon took place at CERN’s IdeaSquare
CERN-wide inventory by the SMB department
Starting in November, a technician will be entering offices on the CERN site to gather information and take photos
Dark Matter Day at CERN – Don’t be left in the dark!
On Tuesday 31 October, the world will celebrate the historic hunt for the unseen