ALICE pins down hypermatter properties
The collaboration’s latest study of a “strange”, unstable nucleus known as the hypertriton offers new insight into the particle interactions that may take place at the hearts of neutron stars
Call for crowdsourcing projects pursuing the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Crowd4SDG launches its final call for projects to tackle climate change and promote justice
ATTRACT unveils the projects that will benefit from its €28 million fund for innovation
ATTRACT, a research and innovation project funded by the European Union and backed by a consortium of nine partners, including CERN, will commit €28 million to finance 36 projects from more than 20 countries
CERN tech in space: the first CERN-driven satellite has been successfully launched
With the launch of the CELESTA satellite for radiation monitoring in space, CERN shows its expertise in the field of radiation effects on electronics
LHCb discovers three new exotic particles
The collaboration has observed a new kind of “pentaquark” and the first-ever pair of “tetraquarks”
Take part in climate action through CERN’s online Webfest challenge 2022
The Webfest – CERN’s annual hackathon based on open web technologies – will celebrate its tenth anniversary this year.
CMS on the lookout for new physics
The CMS experiment awaits LHC Run 3 to explore several analyses showing small disagreements with theory expectations
CMS tries out the seesaw
The collaboration has put the seesaw model of neutrino mass to a new test
CMS measures the mass of the top quark with unparalleled accuracy
Precise knowledge of the top-quark mass is of paramount importance to understand our world at the smallest scale