Broadening tunnel vision for future accelerators
CERN’s civil engineers are tackling the tunnelling challenges of a post-LHC collider
Halfway towards LHC consolidation
One hundred and fifty people are hard at work upgrading the Large Hadron Collider’s superconducting magnets
Medipix: Two decades of turning technology into applications
The story of how detector components ended up in medical imaging, in art restoration and even in space
LS2 Report: renovation of the electrical infrastructure
Major renovation work is under way across the entirety of CERN’s electrical network to modernise certain key facilities
Celebrating LEP’s physics legacy
Thirty years ago, after just three weeks of operation, the experiments of the Large Electron-Positron collider announced their first spectacular result
From cosmic rays to clouds
A new run of the CLOUD experiment examines the direct effect of cosmic rays on clouds
Croatia becomes an Associate Member of CERN
CERN welcomes the Republic of Croatia as an Associate Member State
Tests start of new technology to detect neutrinos
The second ProtoDUNE detector at CERN saw its first particle tracks in August
CERN congratulates 2019 physics Nobel Prize winners
James Peebles, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz receive the prize for discoveries in cosmology and astronomy
Run top quark run
The CMS collaboration has measured for the first time the variation, or “running”, of the top-quark mass