LHC report: 25ns spacing yields record beam intensity
Record number of 2,748 proton bunches injected into the LHC giving a record beam intensity of around 2.7 x 10^14 protons in both beams
LHC run ends with 25ns bunch spacing
Remarkable first three-year LHC run crowned by a new performance milestone
"So long and thanks for all the fish"
Remarkable first three-year run of LHC comes to an end, marked by the LHC controllers with a Douglas Adams reference
LHC proton run ends with new milestone
Remarkable first three-year run of the world’s most powerful particle accelerator crowned by a new performance milestone
The Synchrocyclotron prepares for visitors
Hall 300, which houses CERN’s first accelerator, is being prepared to host a new exhibition
LHC and experiments give round-up of first three years
Highlights included sensitive searches for new physics, the decay of a Bs meson, quark-gluon plasma and insights on the structure of the proton
LHC and experiments give status updates at CERN
Today in the CERN auditorium teams from the LHC and its experiments will present the current status of the accelerator and detectors
Webcast: LHC experiments present status update
The LHC experiments will each give a brief presentation in the CERN auditorium today. Watch the webcast
Fundamental Physics Prize honours ATLAS, CMS and LHC
Seven leaders of the LHC, CMS and ATLAS projects will share a $3m prize for advancing knowledge of the universe
LHC report: omnium-gatherum
The last couple of weeks have seen a mixed bag of special runs, luminosity production, machine development and down-time