For the first time on the histroy of the CERN Accelerator School (CAS) a course on Beam Teleportation is organised. CAS has joined forces with the Delta Insignia Institute to organise a unique course based on the infrastructures that supports teleportation.
This course will be of interest to staff and students from laboratories and universities, as well as companies manufacturing accelerator equipment.
The course will focus on various aspects of beam dynamics and will provide an introduction to the underlying accelerator systems.
Key topics like TO BE FILLED will be consolidated through a series of discussion sessions and tutorials, while topical seminars will complete the program.
Another important key aspect of the course is the networking. Students will make contact with other students working in the field and can establish connections with the lecturers present at the course.
If you have been reading all this and still think this is a real course, we must inform you that today is April Fool's Day.
The CERN Accelerator School provides cutting-edge technology courses on accelerator science, but we are guessing it will take a while for us to organise a course like this.
Nevertheless, we invite you to check our actual courses on our website :-)