Every winter brings an increase in the number of visits to the infirmary, particularly in connection with falls or injuries as a result of icy roads and paths or winter sports of one kind or another.
According to Suva, the Swiss national accident insurance fund, more than 34 000 employees are injured practising winter sports every year in Switzerland (2024 figure); in France, that number reaches 122 000 (winter 2021–2022 statistics from the French monitoring body for winter sport accidents).
The most common injuries in downhill skiing (46%) affect the lower limbs (hips, legs, knees and feet), while 33% affect the upper limbs (shoulders, arms, elbows, hands and fingers), a figure that rises to 42% for snowboarding (see the latest statistics from Suva, dated 2024).
Most of these injuries can be avoided by proper physical preparation and using the right kit. Here are a few basic tips for skiers and snowboarders:
- Prepare your body: strengthening your muscles and cardiovascular system will help to reduce the risk of an accident.
- Take care of your kit: your skiing and snowboarding equipment should be checked in order to avoid falling or twisting your knee because of badly adjusted bindings or boots.
- Protect your head: prevent the risk of head trauma by wearing a helmet that meets the safety standards and fits your head properly.
- Warm up and stretch: a key recommendation before hitting the slopes.
- Wear wrist guards if you snowboard.
- Eat regularly and drink hot drinks to stay hydrated.
- Match your speed to your abilities.
We hope these tips will help you stay safe this winter while you enjoy the great outdoors.

For more information, check out these links (in French):
- Sports d’hiver : plus de plaisir sur les pistes – Conseils | Suva pour aborder la saison au mieux
- Sports d’hiver | Pratiquer ski et snowboard sans accident (suva.ch)
- Tout schuss sur les pistes : les blessures liées à la pratique du ski – Chirurgie Orthopédique (chirurgie-orthopedique.fr)
- Les sports de neige sur les pistes (bfu.ch)