From 16 to 18 June, a group of 15 physics teachers from Sweden came to CERN for a series of lectures and visits. The training programme for Swedish teachers began in 1993 on the initiative of Richard Jacobsson, who at the time was a physicist with the DELPHI experiment at the Large Electron-Positron (LEP) collider. The programme is organised by the IECD (International Education and Development Centre - Kurscentrum Umeå/Uppsala). Richard Jacobsson, who is today jointly responsible for the proposed SHiP experiment, is still the main organiser at CERN. Over the past 25 years, more than 470 Swedish teachers have benefited from these annual three-day courses.
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françaisSwedish teachers go back to school at CERN
For the 25th consecutive year, Swedish physics teachers have participated in a programme of lectures and visits at CERN