Installing high luminosity in the tunnel
The first definitive component of the High-Luminosity LHC, an absorber designed to protect the machine, has been installed in the LHC
Your guide to the CERN Open Days
Essential information for the CERN community, from showcasing the Lab as a volunteer to site access and road closures
LS2 Report: ATLAS upgrades are in full swing
The assembly of the new muon small wheels and the upgrades on the electronics and trigger systems are progressing well
CERN Open Days: still time to become a volunteer
The registration for volunteers for the CERN Open Days are extended until Friday, 6 September
CERN Open Days: come and explore the future
On Saturday, 14 and Sunday, 15 September, CERN will open its doors to the public
Supporting the next generation of high-tech entrepreneurs
The CERN Entrepreneurship Student Programme (CESP) held its second residency recently
Sensor used at CERN could help gravitational-wave hunters
A new seismic device developed by CERN and JINR is now being tested at the Advanced Virgo detector