First successful beam at record energy of 6.5 TeV
Last night the LHC operations team successfully circulated a beam at 6.5 TeV - one of many steps before the LHC can deliver collisions to experiments
LHC: Preparations for collisions at 13 TeV
With proton beams back in the LHC, operations experts have weeks of work to do before they can collide beams in experiments at the energy of 13 TeV
New law on Swiss nationality
CERN has recently been informed by the Swiss authorities that the Swiss Parliament adopted a new law on Swiss nationality in June 2014
First measurement of ionization potential of lawrencium
A team in Japan has used advanced ISOL techniques to measure the energy needed to remove an electron from lawrencium, which lives for only 27 seconds
Register now for the European School of High-Energy Physics
This year's school will be held in Bulgaria from 2-15 September. Register by 15 May 2015
Register now for the European School of High-Energy Physics
This year's school will be held in Bulgaria from 2-15 September. Register by 15 May 2015
SESAME passes an important milestone at CERN
The first of the 16 magnetic sectors in the main storage ring of the future light source in Jordan has successfully passed its tests at CERN
A successful week for the Future Circular Collider Study
Some 340 people attended the inaugural FCC conference week in Washington DC to discuss the study status and plans for the future
A busy Sunday for the LHC
The LHC started up again on Sunday for the first time in two years. LHC operators celebrated the smooth restart with champagne and chocolate eggs