Science Night at the Science History Museum in Geneva
On 7 and 8 July 2018, Geneva’s Science History Museum is holding its 12th Science Night, on the theme “Tout un art ?”
News from the June 2018 CERN Council
We would like to share with you some of the highlights of the June meetings of the Council and its committees
LHC report: Investing in the future
The latest Machine Development period ended on early Monday morning, 18 June, after six days of intensive studies of the LHC accelerator
Presidential visits to CERN
The President of Slovenia and the President of the Swiss Confederation visit CERN on 20 and 21 June, respectively
Introducing gender-inclusive teaching
A recent workshop looked at how and why CERN has introduced gender-inclusive teaching into its teacher programmes
Successfully switching careers as a scientist
The CERN Alumni network has initiated a series of workshops to help scientists explore new career opportunities
Get ready for a new CERN Learning Hub
CERN’s training application is about to get better, with additional functionality and a new user interface. Welcome to the Learning Hub!
Computer security: Scaling out intrusion detection
Automatically and autonomously monitoring digital activities on CERN’s network and its firewalls between CERN and the Internet, activities on CERN’s computing clusters and related with CERNs web services is an essential part for guaranteeing the protectio
Broadening access to STEM
A recent workshop looked at how and why CERN has introduced gender-inclusive teaching into its teacher programmes