ROOT Users’ workshop 2018 – Fun with data!
The ROOT team would like to invite you to the 11th ROOT Users' Workshop in Sarajevo
Road traffic: radar speed signs at CERN
Radar speed signs are to be installed on CERN’s roads in order to identify potentially hazardous areas and analyse driving habits
Visible wearing of a badge: instructions
From 2 May 2018, all persons present on the CERN site will be required to wear their badges where they can be easily seen.
CERN experiment sees hints of a rare kaon decay
The NA62 experiment has observed a candidate event for an ultra-rare charged kaon decay
The benefits of visible badges
Wearing your CERN-issued identification is a small gesture that will improve security on our site
CERN personnel: Apply for the CERN Knowledge Transfer Fund
The CERN Knowledge Transfer Fund bridges the gap between research and society. Submit your applications before 25th April 2018
New: online registration of vehicles
Thanks to a new tool, it’s no longer necessary to go to Building 55 to register a vehicle. Simply complete an online form and scan your grey card
Roadworks at the crossroads by the Prévessin site entrance
Work will be carried out at the crossroads by the Prévessin site entrance from the start of April until mid-July 2018
Particle detectors meet canvas
This year is the European year of cultural heritage, but what does particle physics have to do with art? More than you might think
CERN invites photographers to go behind the scenes
On 1 June 2018, 20 photographers will be given an exclusive opportunity to explore the world’s largest particle physics laboratory