Screening of “CODE - Debugging the gender gap” | 11.09.2017
The screening of the award-winning documentary will take place on 11/09/17 at 12:00 in the Council Chamber and will be followed by a light lunch
Construction of the protoDUNE detectors begins
With the arrival of key detector components at CERN, the construction of protoDUNE’s single-phase module can now get started
Extension of Gate E evening opening hours until 8.00 p.m.
From Friday, 1 September the evening opening times of Gate E will be extended by one hour for those leaving the site
Fun science with "Show devant ! La conférence électrique"
On Tuesday 12 September and as part of the EUCAS 2017 conference will be held at the Globe a rather unusual mainstream conference
Official News regarding the CERN Safety Rules
The CERN Safety Rule listed below has been published on the CERN website dedicated to the Safety Rules
LHCb gets ready for a SciFi upgrade
The first 20 modules of a new scintillating fibre tracker have been delivered as early elements of the LHCb detector upgrade
Safety Bulletin 2017-4
In May, a gas leak was reported in a CERN installation - The causes of the accident have been identified
Want to be an Early Adopter? Gadgets provided!
The IT Department is looking for Early Adopters to test Skype for Business – the first 30 people will get a headset
CERN Accelerator School - Specialised course
Registration is now open for the CERN Accelerator School to be held in Zurich, Switzerland from 21 February to 6 March, 2018
TED-Ed: The hunt for dark matter
An animation made with TED-Ed to explain what dark matter is and how CERN is looking for it