ATLAS observes direct evidence of light-by-light scattering
Physicists from ATLAS at CERN have found first direct evidence of high energy light-by-light scattering
Hunting season at the LHC
With the LHC now back smashing protons together at an energy of 13 TeV, what exotic beasts do physicists hope to find?
The microscope that digs deep for answers
An elaborate nano-workstation for 3D imaging at CERN gives insights into what lies beneath the surface of materials
CERN – fully engaged with the Sustainable Development Goals
The UN's Sustainable Development Goals are very close to our core mission
LHC Report: back on track
A new peak luminosity record for the LHC has been established (despite some unexpected loss issues)
21-22 August: Swiss and Austrian Physical Societies at CERN
The Joint Annual meeting of Swiss and Austrian Physical Society will be hosted for the first time by CERN & the CICG from 21 to 25 August 2017
PER seminar: "Can intelligence be trained?" - 25 August 3pm
Physics Education Research seminar | Speaker: Prof Verena Spatz (TU Darmstadt) | Friday, 25 August 3 p.m.- 4 p.m. | Teacher Training Room (3-R-002)
10-11 August: access to route DEMOCRITE modified
Due to works on building 245, the route DEMOCRITE will not be accessible from route RUTHERFORD Thursday 10 August and Friday 11 August
Inauguration of the second CERN Network Hub
The second CERN Network Hub, inaugurated on 19 July 2017, will ensure continuity of IT services in case of a major incident in the CERN data centre
CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) - Fixed monthly contributions as of 1 September 2017
With the entry into force of the new CHIS Rules on 1 September 2017, the fixed monthly contributions change