CERN Tweetup reaches over one million followers
Five winners of a competition announced on Twitter reached the vast audience during CERN's first ever Tweetup
Fermilab director steps down
Pier Oddone, director of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, announced today that he would be stepping down
Timepix detectors track cosmic radiation on the ISS
On 31 July, an unmanned Russian Progress spacecraft was launched from Kazakhstan, carrying five Timepix detectors to the ISS
Timepix detectors track cosmic radiation on the ISS
On 31 July, an unmanned Russian Progress spacecraft was launched from Kazakhstan, carrying five Timepix detectors to the ISS
New entrance to Prévessin site for cyclists and pedestrians
An entrance to the Prévessin site dedicated to pedestrians and cyclists opens 6 August on a provisional basis
ATLAS and CMS submit Higgs-search papers
The ATLAS and CMS collaborations today submitted papers to the journal Physics Letters B outlining the latest on their searches for the Higgs boson
Move and eat better: free zumba taster class
As part of the "Move and eat better!" campaign a free zumba initiation class is offered at lunchtime 1 August
CERN welcomes summer students
CERN welcomed 279 young scientists from 71 nations this year on its Summer Students Programme
The CERN summer school: unique in many ways
CERN's summer school attracts students from all over the world to learn alongside experimentalists and theorists
Lyn Evans is new Linear Collider director
Lyn Evans, former Large Hadron Collider project leader, will lead the common effort for the next linear collider as Linear Collider Director