HL-LHC: successful tests validate a new remote alignment system for magnets
The many CERN-developed sensors and software programs of the FRAS (Full Remote Alignment System) have been successfully tested on a prototype magnet in preparation for the HL-LHC
The joy of summer conferences
After the online conferences of the past years, there is something all the more special about coming together face-to-face, to share and discuss a wealth of results this summer
Farewell to CERN’s astronaut
Polish engineer, Slawosz Uznanski, said goodbye to CERN colleagues ahead of ESA astronaut training
Take part in the CERN Science Gateway inauguration ceremony!
On 7 October 2023, CERN will officially open the Science Gateway. Volunteer to take part!
KT and Detector Seminar on 1 September: detector technology innovations in medical X-ray imaging
Find out more about cutting-edge detector technologies and their impact on future commercial devices at the upcoming joint Knowledge Transfer and Detector seminar
LHCb observes hypertriton production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC
With its detection of hypertriton in proton-proton collisions, the LHCb experiment strengthens CERN’s role as one of the few places worldwide to study hypernuclei such as the hypertriton and its antipartner in detail