Next piece of puzzle arrives for ProtoDUNE
A key component for the ProtoDUNE neutrino experiment arrived this week at CERN from the UK
Long-lived physics
The CMS collaboration closes in on exotic long-lived particles that could get trapped in its detector layers
Lithuania becomes Associate Member State of CERN
CERN has been officially notified that Lithuania's internal procedures have been approved, following the Agreement signed in June 2017
CERN wishes you Happy New Year 2018
A New Year rich in progress is looming at CERN
CERN in 2017: a year in images
A video showcasing the highlights of the year at CERN, with numerous physics results and new installations
Forty years since the first PET image at CERN
Marilena Streit-Bianchi reminisces about her role in the first PET (positron-emission tomography) image taken at CERN
CMS releases more than one petabyte of open data
This release includes datasets that were used to discover the Higgs boson
LHC experiments highlight 2017 results
On 15 December, the LHC experiments ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb reviewed their recent experimental results
A new compact accelerator for cultural heritage
CERN and INFN develop a transportable accelerator to help preserve cultural heritage
Arts at CERN’s Collide International award now open
Arts at CERN has announced a new edition of the Collide International award, in partnership with the UK’s leading media arts centre, FACT