LHC consolidations: Insulating the magnets
The LHC's main magnets operate at temperatures colder than outer space – and it's time to replace the insulation on 1695 interconnections between them
LHC consolidations: A step-by-step guide
A backstage look at the Large Hadron Collider during CERN's first long shutdown
Get connected: Consolidating LHC splices
Watch Jean-Phillipe Tock of the Technology department explain how CERN technicians are upgrading interconnections on the Large Hadron Collider
Engineering prize webcast
Watch the webcast of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering at 1pm GMT
Enhanced personal protection at the PS
A new safety system will bring the standard of personnel radiation protection at the PS into line with that of the LHC
Superconductivity leads the way to high luminosity
Work is progressing on new technologies that would under pin an upgrade of the LHC in 10 year’s time
Lasers take physicists back to school
The First International School on Laser Applications at Accelerators at GANIL in France brought together laser- and accelerator physicists
Testing begins on Linear accelerator 4
Linac 4 has begun testing its RFQ module. This is the first stage of testing for the Linac 2 successor
Next-generation magnets: Small, but powerful
A CERN-Fermilab team has developed a new magnet that will be a valuable asset to the HL-LHC, the next step of for LHC machine
Warmer amps for the LHC
CERN is working together with an Italian company to develop superconducting cables that can function at temperatures of up to 25 K (-248°C)