New results indicate that new particle is a Higgs boson
With two and a half times more data analysed than in July last year, ATLAS and CMS find that the new particle looks more and more like a Higgs boson
Conference on Charged Lepton Flavor Violation
The 1st International Conference on Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (CLFV) will be held in Lecce, Italy from 6-8 May 2013
ATLAS releases animated particle plots
The ATLAS collaboration has just released four animations showing how signals of new particles can emerge from LHC collision data
LHCb studies particle tipping the matter-antimatter scales
The LHCb experiment at CERN reports precise new measurements—but leaves open the question of why our matter-dominated universe exists
Polish high-school students find inspiration at CERN
Watch students and teachers from two schools in central Poland searching proton collisions from the LHC for signs of new particles
More statistics, less surprise for LHCb
The LHCb collaboration has recently announced new results for a parameter that measures the CP violation effect in particles containing charm quarks
The Standard Model, set in stone
A standing stone outside the CERN Control Centre neatly sums up our understanding of the universe
New PXI card calibration service
A new service has launched to calibrate PXI cards used to enhance the performance of measurement and automation systems
Explain it in 60 seconds: spin
Objects as large as a planet or as small as a photon can have the property of spin. Spin is also the reason we can watch movies in 3D.
A question of spin for the new boson
Physicists speaking today at the Moriond conference say that the new particle discovered at CERN last year is looking more and more like a Higgs boson