LS2 Report: waiting for antiprotons...
In the AD hall, a beam of H- ions has reached the GBAR and ALPHA experiments, marking the end of the installation of new transfer lines from the ELENA deceleration ring
Completion of pressure tests in the LHC
The final pressure test in the LHC took place in sector 6-7 on 27 October. The pressure tests are the last step before the cooling of each sector
The PS key has been handed back to the Operations group
On 23 October, the PS returned to the Operations group’s hands. Beam commissioning in the accelerator is scheduled for 1 March 2021
Requests regarding private vehicles to be managed by the Mobility Centre as of 4 November 2020
Join France@CERN, a unique opportunity to bring together leading researchers and companies
CERN will welcome French industry on 18-19 November 2020 for the 16th iteration of the industrial exhibition France@CERN, for the first time in a digital format
Open call for the new edition of Collide residency award
Arts at CERN is announcing an international call for Collide, its flagship programme consisting of a residency award of up to three months divided between CERN and the city of Barcelona.