Seminar 11am: World Meteorological Organization
Today in the Main Auditorium, the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization will present the organization's work
Low-energy collisions tune LHC experiments
This morning, for the first time in two years, proton-proton collisions were delivered to the LHC experiments at injection energy: 450 GeV per beam
A milestone towards a higher-energy nuclear physics facility
The first acceleration module of HIE-ISOLDE has been installed. The new accelerator will increase the energy of CERN’s nuclear physics facility
Arts @ CERN: Three winning artists and an open call
CERN's official engagement with the arts announces three winning art projects and an open call for Collide @ CERN in digital arts
Arts@CERN announces three winning artists and launches an open call
2015 EPS HEPP prizewinners announced
The High Energy and Particle Physics (HEPP) Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) has announced the winners of its 2015 prizes
Promoting respect at home and abroad
This week, CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer focusses on respect, whether at home, at work or on the international scene
Discussion forum: Respect @ CERN
Discussion forum: Respect @ CERN - What does this mean in our daily working lives? The discussion will be on 5 May at 2pm in the Council Chamber
LHC report: Reaching high intensity
After both beams having been ramped to their full energy of 6.5 TeV, the last two weeks saw the beam commissioning process advancing on many fronts