Keeping HL-LHC accountable
This week saw the cost and schedule of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) projects come under close scrutiny
A bright future for HERA physics
A workshop in DESY looked at what the data from HERA can still offer for experiments, now and in the future
LHCb's new analysis confirms old puzzle
LHCb physicists today presented their latest analysis of the rare B → K*μμ decay. The new results show deviations from Standard Model calculations
50 years of particle physics at Moriond
Don't miss today's webcast at 5.30pm celebrating 50 years of particle physics at the Rencontres de Moriond in Italy
The poetry of (POP) science
Thomas Otto, a TE Departmental Safety Officer, won the English category of the POPScience poetry competition, with three poems inspired by CERN
Challenge-Based Innovation: They rose to the challenge!
45 students took part in the first Challenge-Based Innovation programme at CERN
CALET: A stopover at CERN before flying to space
The CALorimetric Electron Telescope is preparing for installation in the flight module that will bring it to its final destination on the ISS
LHC experiments join forces to zoom in on the Higgs boson
Today the ATLAS and CMS experiments presented for the first time a combination of their results on the mass of the Higgs boson
CERN welcomes the CineGlobe international Film Festival
The 5th edition of the CineGlobe International Film Festival celebrates the theme “Convergence”