Sounds like CERN
Sound artist Bill Fontana recorded his first soundscapes at CERN on a 4-day induction visit preceding his residency
Fat antiatoms, laser beams and matter-antimatter asymmetry
An international team of collaborators are manipulating 'fat' antiatoms at the AEgIS experiment at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator
The computing school where students teach
The 'inverted' School of Computing (iCSC) at CERN from 25 to 26 February 2013 will allow former students to take a turn at lecturing
Sixth "Inverted CERN School of Computing": 25-26 February
Attendance is free for iCSC2013 - “Where students turn into teachers”. Topics include GPUs, Computer vision, SW Testing, Grid interpretation
Gate E will be open until the end of traffic jams
Gate E will be open until the end of traffic jams
LS1: Exciting times ahead
As the first and last proton-lead run of 2013 draws to a close, the maintenance programme of the LHC's first long shutdown (LS1) is about to start
Long Shutdown 1: Exciting times ahead
As the first and last proton-lead run of 2013 draws to a close, the extensive maintenance programme of the LHC's first long shutdown is about to start
Free the quarks: Calculating the strong force
Forty years ago quarks gained their freedom – at least theoretically – and the modern theory of the strong interaction began to emerge
The next generation of scientific computing
Leaders from academia and industry came together last week at CERN to discuss the IT requirements for the next generation of research infrastructures
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